F*ck It: Study Shows Cursing Is Actually Linked To Truthfulness
People who curse often are usually considered “rude”, “disrespectful”, “foul-mouthed” or whatever you choose to call them.
One thing you probably haven’t considered calling them is honest, but maybe you should.
According to a recent joint study done by the University of Cambridge, Stanford University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Maastricht University in the Netherlands, people who curse more are associated with honesty both online and in real life. And why is that?
Well, the study says people who curse more are associated with honesty because honest people allow themselves to get emotional and emotional people curse.
So how did the scientist conduct this study?
First, they compared dishonest behavior to swearing by asking 276 candidates to explain their cursing habits.
Participants were asked to write down curse words they favored, the curse words they feel like they shouldn’t use but like to in private, and how they use different curse words in different settings.
Scientists then compared the results to a questionnaire in which the participants were asked about different ethical situations and how they would go about handling them.
Interestingly enough, the participants who cursed more were shown as far more consistent with their honesty than those who did not. Another study was conducted, this time on Facebook users.
The test analyzed Facebook users use of swear words compared to their behavior in private using a complex algorithm dissecting the results of 73,789 users.
In this test, researchers found that participants who swore less had higher percentages of statuses deemed as dishonest.
“The explanation was that dishonest people subconsciously try to (1) dissociate themselves from the lie and therefore refrain from referring to themselves; (2) prefer concrete over abstract language when referring to others (using someone’s name instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’); (3) are likely to feel discomfort by lying and therefore express more negative feelings; and (4) require more mental resources to obscure the lie and therefore end up using less cognitively demanding language, which is characterized by a lower frequency of exclusive words and a higher frequency of motion verbs,”
Does this change your perception of swearing now, assh*le?

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