Spot The Red Flags: 3 Signs That A Relationship Is About To Get Worse
Any man who’s ever had a partner knows this to be true: Relationships are hard.
They can be your biggest source of fulfillment and happiness… or the root of all your stress and unhappiness.
In a perfect relationship, you’re yourself, your partner is themself, and the intensity never drops off.
No games, no drama, no worries. But since you’re reading this … you already know this is never how it works.
There are three specific areas you MUST keep an eye on in a relationship.
Keep these areas going strong, and you’ll find yourself happy and fulfilled, well past your golden years, sipping a drink on a beach with white sand and crystal clear waters, your loyal, loving partner right by your side.
Make mistakes and fail to pay attention to these signs and you’ll end up one of the ‘miserable 50’ – the 50% of Americans who end up divorced and all alone.
Sign #1 – Intimacy is dying
Remember being a teenager in love? You’d stay up well past midnight telling your woman everything, as she lay her head on your chest, responding to everything you said.
You were so enamored with her that out of nowhere, you’d constantly get the urge to lay a quick kiss on her cheek. Your arm dangled from her shoulder, as the two of you faced the challenges of everyday life together.
When couples lose intimacy, they lose this connection that they once had with each other. They stop sharing the details of their life, they aren’t present when talking with each other, and there’s a coldness to their interactions.
Slowly, couples become strangers to each other.
And it’s hard to love a stranger.
Imagine the opposite. What if you two revived your connection with each other? What if you became best friends and lovers, all over again?
This Is How To Become Lovers All Over Again
When hanging out with your lady, you should be thinking “How can I be present, and really listen to what she’s saying to me?”
No checking phones.
No checking the game.
No distractions.
Just the two of you focused on each other.
Sign #2 – The Passion is dying
Passion is where the physical attraction in a relationship happens, where romantic adventures are real-life fantasies, and you irresistibly crave each other. Passion fuels the Honeymoon Phase, and while this phase won’t last forever, you can make it happen again and again.
Act like it’s the beginning of the relationship all over again, and win her over.
Plan a weekend getaway, but don’t tell her the details.
Create mystery, tension, suspense; everything that kept her wondering and on her toes at the start of your relationship.
Seduce the hell out of your woman, until the two of you are getting hot and heavy in the bedroom.
Sex stops happening in your relationship when everything before sex stops happening in your relationship, too.
Sign #3 – Commitment is Dying
Most guys don’t realize – or want to admit to themselves – that in most cases, they let their relationships die by failing to stay committed.
And this doesn’t always mean cheating.
This means not being committed to being the man who keeps his woman happy, the man who follows through on his word, the man who cares for his partner.
Of course, relationships are a two way street, but on the guy’s end, here’s what to do to rebuild her commitment and trust in you.
Let her know exactly what you’re going to do, whether it’s coming home from the office at a certain time, making reservations for a date on the weekends, or even something small like handling the groceries, and follow through on your word.
The bottom line is this: If she can’t trust you to keep your promises, no matter how big or small, then she can’t trust you to serve her needs or keep her happy.
And that’s where her commitment to you breaks.
Bonus: Sign #4 – The Wild Nights Have Become Tame
Now, granted, this is kind of an obvious sign that the relationship is dying, though a lot of guys think that the physical excitement is just something that naturally happens in a relationship.
Needless to say, this sucks.
But what’s not obvious is that rebooting the physical excitement can be like a reset to your relationship – get the right skills in bed, and the passion, intimacy, and commitment will come flowing back into your love life as if you two had just gotten together.
How To Regain Power And Control Over Your Relationship
In fact, get the passion back… and you’ll regain power and complete control over your relationship.
The details on exactly how to do that are a bit too lengthy for this article, but a doctor in Singapore (who had gone through a nasty divorce himself) discovered a shortcut to reviving your relationship by making the “wild nights” happen again…and again… and again.
The step by step process is detailed in THIS video.
It’s a powerful shortcut to happiness in your relationship that’s based on cutting edge psychology.
You can have “happily ever after” all over again.

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