Issues With Premature Ejaculation? Yes, There Is Now An App For That
With the app revolution reaching its peak, it seems that there’s an app for nearly everything you can think of. From games, to autonomous household monitoring, to a litany of news sources, the App Store has got it all. Now there’s something to help you with that premature ejaculation.
And in this week’s tales from the App Store there even is an app to combat premature ejaculation.
Pea (an acronym for Premature Ejaculation App) comes from the ambitious mind of Brennen Bellich, a Canadian based entrepreneur whose previous ventures into the digital market includes Pepper Filters.
Pea, the branded men’s health life hack tool, is an application that seeks to battle the dastardly detriment that is premature ejaculation through simple training exercises and guidance.
This training, which Bellich has coined as “Re-educating sexual response,” comes in the form of activities that range from warming up before masturbation, and general sexual advice to .
The app features three levels of training and similar gamification models that incentivize men to be more comfortable with the topic of ‘prejack’ and keeping men engaged in a fun way.
The app comes from a personal place of struggle for Bellich, who commented on how his lack of sexual proficiency actually made him repelled from being sexually active.
But Bellich decided to address his (and many other men’s) personal demon at the age of 23.
Through contact and collaboration with a friend’s mother (the medical director at Vancouver General Hospital) Bellich crafted the experience that the app would provide men, using a cartoon doctor to create a friendly and educational environment.
The app, which currently is only available through Apple’s App Store, is available to download worldwide, with a web build currently being developed.

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