How To Make Her Fall For You Without Crossing The Line
The world we live in today is harsh — especially when we talk about today’s dating culture. The days of meeting someone in time, allowing destiny to play itself out, is a thing of the past.
We’re at an age of overload; too many options, too many people, not enough space in our lives or hearts to fit everyone in.
While once people would date a handful of individuals in their lifetime, if not less, before settling down, these days we swipe through thousands of online profiles, go on dozens if not hundreds of coffee dates, hoping to meet the right person, hoping that we fall in love and that they fall right back in love with us.
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The competition these days is intense. That girl from your hometown all of a sudden has access to dozens if not hundreds of potential partners at her fingertips. And as we all know, the modern woman has a lot of options. The woman that you’re interested in, likely has a handful of suitors knocking on her door.
Personally, I love the idea of love at first sight, finding your soulmate and knowing that very second, that you’re meant to spend your lives together.
It’s a beautiful idea — really wonderful. And while I hope we all get a chance to live that magical love story, the reality is that leaving it to chance is silly.
Why would you leave magic to chance, when you have an opportunity to create magic? Love is romantic in nature. And romance, believe it or not, takes work. It takes effort.
It takes doing and saying the right things, being the right man — being the man that she needs.
In recent years, there has been an explosion of different methods and tips on making a woman fall for you. I’m sure many of you have heard of The Game (basically a book that teaches you how to con women into sleeping with you), and similar products.
I’d be lying to you if I said that many of those sorts of tactics don’t work — because they do.
At the end of the day, playing psychological games or tricks, does work. It gets the job done. And to be quite honest, it’s not always a bad way of going about things. Playing psychological games, saying and doing things in order to get the response you want from her, is not a bad thing. It’s not wrong to create a reality for her that isn’t the ‘true reality of things’ — whatever that means.
This is what people seem to fail to realize. The reality that we have in our heads isn’t real. Or rather, it isn’t whole; it’s simply a little part of a bigger whole — our personal versions of the way the world appears and works.
The way we believe our world to be, is the way our world seems to us. In a sense, we’re all living in our own personal delusion. Things that don’t objectively matter, mean the world to us.
For these reasons, those that create the greatest realities for themselves, and for those they love, are those that are happiest. Those are the people that make the best partners, best lovers, best friends.
So while you may call using psychological tactics to make a woman fall for you sleezy or dishonest, nothing could be further from the truth.
Related: These 3 Female Psychology “Hacks” Get Her Obsessed With You
Saying and doing the things that will make a woman fall for you is what you’re supposed to do. It’s what she wants you to do. She wants that magic that only the right man can create for her. And if you want to be the right man, you need to do the things she wants her perfect man to do. It doesn’t matter if that’s not what you normally do, or that it isn’t normally the way you go about things.
Forget about ‘being yourself.’ You need to be better than yourself. You need to be the man she wants in her life, because this time it isn’t about you. Truth is, she wants those mind games.
She wants you to play psychological tricks on her, because she’s waiting to live those experiences described in courses like The Girlfriend Activation System.
The advice of simply, ‘being yourself’, isn’t the greatest advice. Sure, you shouldn’t pretend to be someone else, but you should certainly aim to be a better version of yourself.
This is always the case, regardless of whether or not you’re trying to impress a woman. You should strive to be a better person — both for yourself and for the woman you love.
If you’re asking yourself if the ends justify the means — if saying what she wants to hear, and doing what she wants her man to do, in order to get what you want — is wrong, the answer is no. It’s not wrong — as long as your intentions are pure.
If you’re simply trying to get her into bed, and decide that you’re going to become her ideal man, just to get her panties off, that makes you a scumbag.
Become the man of her dreams because you believe she deserves the man of her dreams, and you become exactly the person she’s been looking for her whole life.
If the man of her dreams happens to align with the man you yourself want to be, then you’ve found true love. You’ve found a partner that will motivate you to be the man you want to be — because keeping her will require you to be that man.
Thinking that you’re good enough for your ideal woman is silly. When you find the right woman, you’ll never feel good enough.
You’ll always feel like there’s more you can do, more ways you can make her smile, more ways you can give her the life she deserves. More ways to stimulate her psyche and make her feel alive.
Learning to do and say the right things isn’t sleazy. It isn’t wrong. It isn’t manipulative — at least not in the negative sense of the word. You should never shy away from creating the right reality for yourself and for the woman that you love.
Do and say whatever you have to in order to make her fall for you, and then do and say whatever you have to in order to keep her loving you. Give her reason to love you and she will.
Make her obsess over you. Make her think about you and how your relationship is filled with magical moments. Sure, carefully curated moments, but in her mind it’s completely natural.
Related: These Are The Exact Steps To Get Her Obsessed With You
It’s real and natural for her, and in the ends that’s all that matters. You become the man you want to become, and she finds a man that will love her for the rest of her life. It’s win-win.
It’s, to be honest, the best way to go about things. Learn how to apply the right psychological tactics on her, and you will have the relationship you’ve always wanted.

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